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Alexandra | A Planet Warrior | Her Story

Alexandra | A Planet Warrior | Her Story
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"The practice of yoga and meditation have been like intimate friends supporting me through difficult moments and life's challenges. From the age of seventeen, I have found myself returning to yoga again and again as a respite from the demands of life. The more I practiced, the more I discovered. What started as simply a way of exercising or escaping became the most nourishing way to calm and understand the workings of my anxious mind.

For me, yoga has always been so much more than the physical postures. It has been a space in which my mind quietens and I connect to this deep rooted place within me where I know that everything is OK.

I am not interested in people coming to class as a punishment of their body. Rather, I hope to encourage my students to develop a love and acceptance of their physical, mental and emotional bodies. My intention is to guide my students into the same, tranquil bliss that I return to again and again through my practice of yoga."

Follow: aegle.mind

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