Tessa came to the world of Yoga 5 years ago as she found it helped her impressively with her general well-being and outlook on the world. Her passion for both Nature and Yoga influence her Photography work, her business goes by the name Headcake Designs. Tessa photographs both landscapes and portraits. Her landscape photography is inspired by where she grew up in Salcombe, Devon. She seeks to capture the shift in natural light, hues and tropical nature along the South Devon Coastline. Her portrait work is mostly of Yogis, Creatives and Heart Led Entrepreneurs.
To work with her email tessa@headcake.co.uk
Tessa is super excited to be on board with the Planet Warrior team, she has a firm interest in eco fashion and the main appeal to planet warrior is supporting a brand that is conscious about making positive changes within the planet and feeling and looking good when doing it!
Follow Tessa HERE